Community Groups

Holloway Neighbourhood Group

Holloway Neighbourhood Group provides a warm welcoming community centre service at the Old Fire Station to adults of all ages in Islington. They offer a wide variety of exercise and activities for all levels of ability and mobility, including: gentle exercise for men, women and mixed groups, exercise to music, yoga, pilates, t’ai chi and various dance projects in partnership with tutors and companies.

Community Centre Telephone: 020 7607 9794

Stress Project Telephone: 020 7700 3938 


Roundhouse Studios

The Roundhouse offers a range of theatre, performing and visual arts, dance, circus and music projects for young people who are given the opportunity to work with experienced artists and creative industry professionals.

Telephone: 020 7424 8477


Hillside Clubhouse

A mental health rehabilitation project with a focus on employment/education. They support people into employment, work placements, training and education.

Telephone: 0790 819 1777



Home-Start Camden and Islington

Home-Start recruits and trains volunteers to offer practical and emotional support to families with at least one child under five years old. Many of the families that Home-Start work with are feeling isolated and one of the volunteers roles is to raise the parents’ self-esteem so that they are able to become more confident to access other services.

Telephone: 020 7424 1603 or 07960 521 639

